How to Hit a Low Golf Shot

Here’s How to Hit a Low Golf Shot Like a Pro!

Last Updated on June 5, 2023

If you wish to enhance your golf game, then mastering how to hit a low golf shot is essential. It’s not an insurmountable challenge, and with the correct guidance, anyone can become a pro at this technique swiftly. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing some of the key elements for hitting a successful low golf shot, including choosing the right club, adjusting your stance, gripping the club properly and focusing on your swing path. So let’s get started – buckle up because these tips will have you conquering those tricky shots in no time.

Table of Contents:

Choose the Right Club

Choosing the right club is essential for hitting low shots. Knowing which club to use will give you a better chance of getting your ball lower and closer to the pin. The key is understanding how each club affects ball flight, spin rate, attack angle, and trajectory.

For a low shot off the tee or from the fairway, most players opt for an iron that’s one or two clubs shorter than their normal full swing length. This allows them to hit with a slightly more shallow attack angle and generate less backspin on the ball for a lower flight. When playing out of light rough or sand traps, it’s best to select a lofted wedge, such as a gap wedge or lob wedge, since they produce more spin and can help control trajectory better than longer irons would in these situations.

To optimize power and trajectory for a low shot, first, take an easy swing to ensure proper ball position closer towards the front foot. Then gradually crank up your clubhead speed until you attain the desired result – hitting over obstacles like trees if necessary. Don’t let any extra weight shift forward, as this could create problems in your follow-through motion after impact. With savvy technique and practice, even advanced level professionals with an IQ of 150 can master their golf game using idioms and colloquialisms.

If there are no obstructions between yourself and the target, then try using what some PGA Tour pros call “positive attack angles” – swinging up into the golf ball slightly instead of just coming straight down at it. This often produces higher launch angles yet still keeps balls relatively close in terms of distance due to its penetrating nature compared to boring shot trajectories created by simply smashing away without the thought process involved. This allows a player the greater ability to manipulate the shape and directional control over their own golf shots.

Choosing the right club is essential to successfully hitting a low golf shot. Stance-altering can have a major bearing on the flight of your golf ball.

Key Takeaway: As an advanced level professional with an IQ of 150, I can master my golf game by using the right club for each situation and utilizing positive attack angles to control the shape and directional control over my shots – a skill that requires savvy technique, practice, idioms and colloquialisms.

Adjust Your Stance

When it comes to golf, the stance is key. You need to adjust your body and feet in order to hit the ball with a lower trajectory. It’s important to remember that you should never be too rigid or stiff when setting up your stance. A good rule of thumb is to stay loose and relaxed while keeping your balance throughout the swing.

First, make sure you have enough room between yourself and the ball by standing far enough away from it so that there’s no risk of hitting it with any part of your body during the swing. Take a few practice swipes, but not actually striking the ball, to become accustomed to how far back you should pull for each shot. Once you’ve got this down, move on to adjusting your feet position for maximum power and accuracy.

For right-handed golfers, your front foot should be slightly open towards the target line and the back foot at an angle of 45-90 degrees relative to it; meanwhile shifting most weight onto whichever hand holds the club. This will give you more stability as well as increased control over where exactly the ball goes after being struck by giving more leverage when swinging through the impact zone, which can lead to better distance off tee shots or more accurate approach shots into greens depending on the situation. Additionally, try shifting most of your weight onto whichever foot corresponds with whichever hand is holding onto club (i.e., left side for right handed golfer).

Adjusting your stance can be the difference between hitting a low golf shot and one that goes too high. To ensure you hit the perfect shot, it is important to also grip the club properly.

Key Takeaway: To hit a low golf shot, one should stand far away from the ball with their feet open towards the target line and their weight shifted to whichever foot corresponds with which hand is holding onto club. This will allow for more power and accuracy in your swing as you leverage through impact zone.

Grip the Club Properly

Gripping the club properly is essential for hitting low shots. It can be daunting to attempt a low shot, but with the right approach, it’s achievable. When gripping the club, make sure you have your hands slightly forward on the grip or “in front of” the golf ball. This will help ensure that you get a positive attack angle on your swing and keep your ball flight lower than normal. To hit a lower punch shot or low draw, move your hands further back in relation to the golf ball – this will help create more spin on impact and send it flying lower than usual.

When playing a full swing, remember to keep your arms relaxed throughout the motion so that you don’t tense up and over-grip, as this could lead to an inconsistent shot shape. Instead, focus on keeping a light grip pressure throughout, which should allow for more control when striking through impact. Additionally, making sure that your left wrist (for right-handed players) remains flat during backswing helps set up an optimal launch angle for maximum distance off each tee box.

For those who struggle with getting their ball higher in trajectory while still maintaining accuracy, then consider swinging easier rather than harder, as this can often produce better results due to less effort being used, resulting in greater consistency from one strike to another. Furthermore, having a slightly open stance can also assist by allowing more room between yourself and the target line leading into the contact point, which gives added loft, thus promoting higher shots off each iron/wood selection.

Gripping the club properly is essential to achieving a successful low golf shot. Once the hold is settled, concentrating on your swing trajectory for the greatest power and precision should be the next step.

Key Takeaway: Gripping the club correctly is key to hitting a low shot, so focus on having your hands slightly forward and keeping them relaxed. For those wanting more distance off the tee box, try swinging easier with an open stance for greater loft. With practice, you’ll soon be sending it flying lower than usual.

Focus on Your Swing Path

The key to hitting low shots is controlling your swing path. A shallow swing path will ensure that the ball stays low and does not balloon up in the air. For hitting a low shot, it’s vital to have an attacking angle that is higher than the ball instead of being level or below.

A golf ball positioned inches away from the hole

To achieve this, start by setting up with the ball slightly back in your stance and make sure your weight is distributed evenly between both feet. This will help you create a shallow swing arc which will keep the clubhead lower than normal throughout the entire swing motion. As you begin swinging back, focus on keeping your arms close together and try not to lift them too high off of your body as this can cause an outside-in type of motion which could lead to an overly steep approach into impact, resulting in higher shots than desired.

As you reach the top of your backswing, let gravity take over and allow yourself to feel like everything slows down for just a moment before beginning your forward momentum towards impact. Make sure that during this transition phase, there isn’t any extra movement happening with either hand or arm as it’s easy for these parts of our bodies to get out ahead, causing us to come over-the-top, resulting in weak slices or pulls, respectively.

When approaching impact, be sure that all of these elements are working together so that at address position, we can maintain our posture while still having room for our arms and hands to move freely throughout their respective arcs. This will create an ideal strike point where contact should be made with maximum efficiency, producing consistent results time after time, regardless if it is a full shot or punch shot being played around hazards such as bunkers or water features. This allows us to control trajectory and distance at all times, giving us more options off each tee box.

Key Takeaway: To hit a low golf shot, you need to maintain an even weight distribution between both feet and keep your arms close together throughout the swing. You should also focus on having a positive attack angle from slightly above for maximum efficiency when approaching impact – this will give you full control over trajectory and distance off each tee box.


By following the steps outlined above, you can improve your ability to hit a low golf shot. The key is practice and repetition until you have mastered the technique. With some patience and dedication, hitting a low golf shot will become second nature in no time.

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