Best VR Golf Clubs Featured

Best VR Golf Club: Ultimate Guide for 2024

Last Updated on January 22, 2024

Golf has embraced technology, with VR golf clubs revolutionizing the way enthusiasts practice and experience the sport. Drawing from my extensive expertise in golf and technology, I’ve rigorously tested various VR golf clubs to find those that offer precision, ease of use, and realism. This article will guide you in choosing the best VR golf club, ensuring an immersive and enjoyable virtual golfing experience.

Our Top Choices

I have compiled a list of the best VR golf clubs available on Amazon that will elevate your virtual golf experience to new levels of realism and immersion.

DeadEyeVR DriVR – VR Golf Club Handle Accessory

The DeadEyeVR DriVR is definitely worth purchasing for a more realistic and immersive VR golf experience.


  • Immersive simulation of a real golf club
  • Convenient wall-mounting bracket
  • Real golf handle for authentic feel


  • Controller attachment may come loose
  • Weight could be heavier for increased realism
  • Limited to specific VR platforms

After trying out the DeadEyeVR DriVR with my VR headset, I can confidently say that it significantly improved my virtual golf experience. With the authentic golf handle, I felt like I was holding a real golf club, and it made playing various VR golf games even more enjoyable.

One minor issue I encountered, however, is the controller attachment coming loose occasionally. The Velcro straps and rubber wedges provide some stability, but I would prefer a more secure option to prevent my controller from accidentally falling out during play.

Moreover, the iron core does add some weight to the accessory, but it still feels a bit lighter than a proper golf club. Although it does not negatively impact the overall experience, I think a heavier construction could have brought the accessory even closer to the real deal.

Lastly, it’s worth noting that the DeadEyeVR DriVR is designed specifically for Windows, Oculus Rift, and Meta Quest 2 VR platforms. This might limit its compatibility for users with different VR systems. However, if you own one of the supported platforms, this golf club accessory is a fantastic addition to your VR gaming collection.

DeadEyeVR DriVR Pro 2 Golf Club Handle

The DeadEyeVR DriVR Pro 2 is a great addition for VR golf enthusiasts seeking a more realistic experience.


  • Maximum immersion with a weighted head
  • Adjustable controller cup for customized weight distribution
  • Professional grade rubberized golf grip


  • Setup can be tricky for some users
  • May not hold the controller securely during aggressive swings
  • 3D printed parts might lack polish and detailing

I recently had the chance to try out the DeadEyeVR DriVR Pro 2, and I must say, it has significantly enhanced my virtual reality golfing experience. The weighted head gives a realistic feel to each swing, making me feel like I’m actually on the golf course.

One feature that stands out is the movable controller cup. It allows me to adjust the weight distribution along the shaft, tailoring the club’s balance to my preference. This flexibility helps me find the right balance for each swing. The professional grade rubberized golf grip adds to the realism and ensures a comfortable grip during extended gaming sessions.

However, setting up the handle can be a bit tricky at first. The instructions provided were sufficient, but it took me a little time to get it just right. Once everything was in place, my experience was mostly smooth, but there were occasions where my controller slipped during more aggressive swings. This likely could have been avoided with a better controller mounting system. Also, it’s worth mentioning that some parts of the handle are 3D printed, which may not have the level of detail and smoothness some users might expect.

Despite these minor drawbacks, I still consider the DeadEyeVR DriVR Pro 2 Golf Club Handle a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to improve their VR golf experience. The combination of an adjustable weight system, high-quality grip, and realistic feel makes it a must-have accessory for passionate VR golfers.

ZyberGears VR Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2

I highly recommend this ZyberGears VR Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2 for anyone looking to enhance their virtual golf gaming experience.


  • Realistic golf club feel and appearance
  • Easy installation and secure controller fixation
  • High-quality non-slip grip material


  • May require in-game tweaking for optimal performance
  • Left-handed players may face some issues
  • Velcro strap design could use improvement

Upon receiving the ZyberGears VR Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2, I immediately noticed the attention to detail in its appearance and gripping, making the accessory feel like a real golf club. This definitely added to the immersion while playing games such as Golf+ and Walk About Mini Golf.

The upgraded installation process was a breeze, and I was pleased with how securely the controller fixation held up. Thanks to the non-slip rubber grip, even during an intense game, I experienced no discomfort or slippage, which made for an enjoyable gaming session.

However, there are a few minor drawbacks to this product. I found that some in-game tweaking was necessary to achieve the best results, which might be more challenging for less experienced users. Despite being designed for both left and right-handed players, some lefties might experience difficulty in properly attaching the controller. Additionally, the Velcro strap could benefit from a design update to improve its functionality.

Overall, the ZyberGears VR Golf Club Attachment proved to be a valuable addition to my Oculus Quest 2 gaming setup, and I believe it’s worth the investment for those seeking a more authentic golf experience in virtual reality.

Amavasion VR Golf Club Handle

The Amavasion VR Golf Club Handle is a must-have accessory for virtual reality golf enthusiasts, enhancing the immersive experience and offering a realistic feel.


  • Enhances game immersion with realistic golf club grip and weight
  • Durable, high-quality materials: PC+ABS and professional golf rubber grip
  • Compatible with multiple VR games, including Golf +, Walkabout Mini Golf, and exVRience Golf Club


  • Grip alignment issues reported by some users
  • Velcro strap design could be improved
  • High price point for the accessory

I recently tried out the Amavasion VR Golf Club Handle, and it took my virtual golfing experience to a whole new level. The grip of this controller is designed like a professional golf club grip. It feels just like a real golf club in my hands, thanks to the added weight from the controller, which significantly enhances the game’s realism.

The Amavasion VR Golf Club Handle is compatible with a variety of virtual reality golf games, including Golf +, Walkabout Mini Golf, and exVRience Golf Club. With such compatibility, this accessory allows me to enjoy different VR golfing experiences fully.

One issue I encountered with this product was the misaligned grip. Some users have reported similar problems, and while it’s not a deal-breaker, it can be frustrating. The Velcro strap could also be better, as I’ve accidentally “swung” my controller out of the base a few times. It’s worth noting the price point is relatively high for a VR accessory but considering the enhanced experience it provides, it might be worth it for avid virtual golfers.

In summary, the Amavasion VR Golf Club Handle is a valuable addition to the VR golfing experience, despite minor issues with grip alignment and the Velcro strap. If you’re an enthusiast looking to enhance your virtual golf game, this accessory is worth considering.

Hoolalas VR Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2 Meta

I would recommend the Hoolalas VR Golf Club Attachment for those seeking a more realistic and immersive golf experience on their Meta Quest 2.


  • Enhanced controller security
  • Perfect length for optimal gameplay
  • Precise angle adjustment


  • Could use more weight for a realistic feel
  • May require adjustment during gameplay
  • Made with materials that feel slightly cheap

After trying the Hoolalas VR Golf Club Attachment on my Meta Quest 2, I noticed a significant improvement in my swing and overall gameplay experience. The double fastening design truly secures the controller, preventing any accidents during intense golf sessions.

The club’s length felt natural, allowing for accurate tracking between the VR headset and controllers. Plus, the scientifically designed angle adjustment feature optimized the angle between the controller and virtual club, leading to more accurate swings and ball hits.

However, I did find that the club’s weight felt somewhat light compared to a real golf club. This took away from the immersion slightly. Additionally, the product required occasional adjustment during gameplay, which interrupted the flow.

Despite these minor issues, the Hoolalas VR Golf Club Attachment has definitely enhanced my VR golf experience, providing a more immersive and enjoyable game. Anyone who plays Golf+ or Walkabout Mini Golf on the Meta Quest 2 should consider this attachment to boost their gameplay and hone their skills.

FamiJeeny Aluminum Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2 and Rift S

I recommend this VR golf club attachment for enhanced immersion and a realistic experience for golf enthusiasts.


  • Swinging a real club in the game
  • Realistic grip
  • Secure controller clamping system


  • Slightly heavy
  • Limited to specific VR devices
  • May require time for adjustment

I recently tried the FamiJeeny Aluminum Golf Club Attachment and was impressed with the immersion it added to my Oculus Quest 2 golf gaming experience. By holding a more substantial club with a rubberized grip, I could enjoy a more realistic feel as I swung in-game.

The clamping locking mechanism securely held my controller in place, with good amounts of rubber padding for protection from scratches. I appreciated the peace of mind it provided, knowing I wouldn’t accidentally send my controller flying during vigorous swings.

However, it’s important to note that this attachment is a tad heavier than other VR golf club attachments I’ve tried in the past. Initially, it took some time to adjust to the weight difference, so you might need to spend some time practicing your swings before you jump into competitive games.

Speaking of adjustments, remember that this attachment is specifically tailored for Oculus Quest 2 and Rift S devices. If you own another VR headset, this golf accessory may not be compatible.

Overall, the FamiJeeny Aluminum Golf Club Attachment adds a new level of realism and immersion to VR golf gaming. If you’re an avid golfer seeking to enhance your virtual experiences, it’s worth considering this well-designed accessory.

ZHGM Weighted VR Golf Club Attachment for Meta Quest 2

This high-quality, weighted golf club attachment enhances your VR golf experience on Meta Quest 2, making it worth the investment.


  • Realistic weighted design
  • Firm controller grip
  • Sturdy and durable construction


  • Compatible only with Meta Quest 2
  • Installation could be cumbersome for some
  • Requires careful setup to access in-game grip buttons

I recently used the ZHGM Weighted VR Golf Club Attachment for Meta Quest 2 and was impressed with its realistic feel and performance. The detachable weights allowed me to adjust the club to my preference, simulating the weight of a traditional golf club for a more immersive gaming session. The aluminum alloy shaft, rubber grip, and silicone control cup contributed to its high-quality, sturdy build that ensured durability, even during some intense swings.

The controller attachment cup was designed specifically for Meta Quest 2 controllers, providing a firm grip and eliminating any wobble during gameplay. While it might limit its audience, being compatible only with Meta Quest 2, it provided a secure hold, making sure my controller didn’t fly out in the middle of a swing. The additional straps also added extra security.

Installation took me around five minutes. It wasn’t too difficult, but the process was a bit cumbersome, especially when trying to align the controller, straps, and rubber bands properly to position in-game grip buttons. However, once setup was complete, I didn’t need to worry about any misalignments or disconnections during gameplay.

In conclusion, while the ZHGM Weighted VR Golf Club Attachment for Meta Quest 2 may have some minor drawbacks in terms of system compatibility and installation, it provides an engaging and realistic experience for VR golf enthusiasts. Its weighted design, secure grip, and overall durability are well-worth considering to enhance your virtual golf sessions.

AMVR Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2

If you’re a VR golf enthusiast, this AMVR Golf Club Attachment for Oculus Quest 2 is a must-have accessory for enhancing your experience.


  • Highly adjustable and retractable handle
  • Works with various VR ball games
  • Secure controller fit


  • Might require occasional tightening
  • May be challenging to adjust settings in Golf+
  • Positioning the strap needs attention

As a VR golf enthusiast, I found the AMVR Golf Club Attachment to be a game changer. The adjustable and retractable handle allowed me to personalize my grip and offered an immersive experience while playing various VR ball games such as Pro Putt, TOPGOLF, and Walkabout Mini Golf.

The accessory ensures a snug and secure fit for the controller. I followed the installation instructions carefully and was able to secure the controller without any movement, even after several rounds. However, it’s essential to get the strap fully under the notch to prevent controller slippage.

The golf club attachment does have some minor drawbacks. While playing Golf+, I noticed that it takes time to make adjustments and get it just right. Additionally, the club might require occasional tightening – just make sure to check it every few sessions.

Despite these small issues, the overall experience with the AMVR Golf Club Attachment is impressive. I would highly recommend it to any golf-loving VR fans looking to enhance their gaming experience.

YEZRO VR Golf Club Handle Accessory for Oculus Quest 2 / Meta Quest Pro

For golf enthusiasts owning Oculus Quest 2 / Meta Quest Pro, the YEZRO VR Golf Club Handle Accessory is a solid investment that enhances the virtual golf experience.


  • Realistic weight and grip
  • High-quality aluminum construction
  • Secure controller fixation with no jiggle


  • Controller may come loose occasionally
  • Grip button holder may loosen over time
  • Assembly instructions could be clearer

As a golf lover, using the YEZRO VR Golf Club Handle Accessory really took my virtual golfing experience up a notch. I appreciated the realistic weight and grip provided by the 27cm real golf rubber grip, which made me feel like I was at the course swinging a real club. Its high-quality aluminum build outshines 3D-printed or ABS plastics options and provides better durability.

The YEZRO club handle is designed to securely fix the Oculus Quest controller with a unique lock system preventing any jiggle during play. However, during my first few swings, the controller did come loose on a couple of occasions, despite tightening the lock carefully. It’s essential to make sure the wrist strap is secured and wrapped around the handle for added safety.

While the rubber band grip holder can hold the grip button down for aiming guidance, I found that it could loosen over time. In addition, it took me a bit of time to completely understand the assembly instructions, although once assembled, the handle performed well.

Overall, the YEZRO VR Golf Club Handle Accessory is a worthy addition to any Oculus Quest 2 / Meta Quest Pro owner’s arsenal, enhancing the virtual golf experience with added realism and superior build. Just make sure to double-check the controller’s security before each swing to avoid any mishaps.

YEZRO Golf Club Attachment for Meta Quest Pro New Version

I recommend the YEZRO Golf Club Attachment for Meta Quest Pro New Version for a more realistic golfing experience with its adjustable weighted design and quality materials; however, there’s room for improvement.


  • Adjustable counterbalance weighted for realism
  • 90-degree adapter for better tracking
  • High-quality aluminum and professional golf grip


  • May not fit Pro controllers perfectly
  • Limited controller protection and minor design flaws
  • Steeper learning curve for setup and connection

The YEZRO Golf Club Attachment for Meta Quest Pro New Version is a game-changer for avid virtual reality golfers. Its adjustable counterbalance weighted design, offering three different weights (529 grams, 579 grams, and 629 grams), genuinely enhances the VR golf experience by giving the club a more realistic feel.

A significant advantage of this club attachment is the 90-degree adapter, which drastically improves tracking by ensuring that the controller’s halo and LEDs always face the headset’s cameras. Made of high-quality aluminum and featuring a soft, non-slip rubberized golf grip, this attachment offers a more realistic and comfortable experience than many 3D printing materials or ABS plastic alternatives on the market.

While the YEZRO Golf Club Attachment does provide decent protection for the controller, there is potential for improvement. The locking mechanism could be more secure, and some minor design flaws may cause the attachment to be slightly loose for certain models like the Pro controller. However, the protective rubber in the controller section is impressive and prevents scratches.

Connecting the controller and setting up the attachment may present a learning curve for some users, with a slight twist and lock mechanism. It may not be as user-friendly as other options, but with some patience, the attachment becomes easier to handle over time.

Despite some drawbacks, the YEZRO Golf Club Attachment for Meta Quest Pro New Version creates a more immersive and realistic golfing experience for VR enthusiasts. The adjustable weighted design and quality materials make it worth considering for those looking to enhance their VR golf game.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best VR golf club, there are a few important factors to consider. I’ll discuss these factors in brief paragraphs to help you make an informed decision.

Type of controller: The first thing to consider is the type of controller that will be most comfortable for your grip. There is a variety of controllers available, with some resembling real golf club handles and others more similar to traditional gaming controllers. Pick one that feels natural and comfortable in your hands.

Quality: The build quality of the VR golf club is essential for a realistic golfing experience. Look for a controller that is sturdy, well-built, and features high-quality materials. A good-quality VR golf club will be more durable and provide better performance over time.

Sensors: Ensure that the VR golf club comes with accurate motion tracking sensors, as they are crucial for a virtual golfing experience. Sensors play a significant role in detecting the club’s position, speed, and rotation. Opt for one with high-quality sensors for better game responsiveness.

Compatibility: Another vital aspect is compatibility with various VR systems and games. Make sure the VR golf club you choose is compatible with your preferred VR headset and golfing games. Check the club’s specifications to confirm compatibility before making your purchase.

Price: Finally, consider your budget. While more expensive options may offer better quality and features, there are affordable choices as well. Set your budget and compare different VR golf clubs within that range to find the best value for your money.

By considering these factors, you’ll be better equipped to choose the best VR golf club for your virtual golfing experience. Keep these features in mind, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying a realistic and immersive game of virtual golf.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top golf club attachments for VR?

There are several golf club attachments available for VR systems, providing a tactile and immersive golf experience. The best choice will ultimately depend on personal preferences and device compatibility.

How does AMVR Golf Club compare to other options?

The AMVR Golf Club is a well-regarded option, offering a realistic feel and a snug fit for the controller. Many users praise its balance and weight, which simulates a real golf club quite effectively. While it may not have as many unique features as some other options, it’s a dependable and straightforward choice for enthusiasts looking to enhance their VR golf experience.

What makes Amavasion VR Golf Club Handle stand out?

Amavasion VR Golf Club Handle sets itself apart with its innovative design. It features an adjustable length that can suit golfers of various heights and preferences. Additionally, it offers a slip-resistant handle for better grip and control. Overall, it’s a versatile and user-friendly option that caters to a broad range of players.

Which golf attachment is the best for Oculus devices?

Several golf attachments are specifically designed for Oculus devices. When choosing the best attachment for an Oculus device, it’s essential to consider factors like comfort, ease of use, and how well it integrates with the system’s existing hardware.

How effective is VR golf for improving real-life golf skills?

While VR golf can’t entirely replicate an actual golf course’s conditions, it offers several valuable benefits for honing real-life golf skills. By practicing in a virtual environment, golfers can improve muscle memory, refine their swing technique, and even develop mental strategies. Additionally, using a tactile attachment can increase the sense of realism. However, it’s important to remember that actual practice on a real course is still essential for overall skill development.

Is there a VR golf game specifically designed for Meta Quest 2?

Yes, there is a VR golf game called “Walkabout Mini Golf” that is specifically optimized for the Meta Quest 2. This game offers various virtual courses, customizable golf balls, and a multiplayer option to enjoy an immersive golf experience tailored for the Meta Quest 2 platform.

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