Last Updated on November 14, 2023
Hitting fat golf shots can be a real source of frustration for any golfer. Whether you’re an experienced player or just starting out, that feeling when the club digs into the ground and your ball barely moves is all too familiar! But why do we hit our golf shots so thin? In this article, I’m going to look at some common causes of fat shots, as well as offer tips on how to avoid them in future games.
Causes Of A Fat Shot
Hitting behind the ball is one of the primary reasons why golfers hit their shots fat. This occurs when they bring down the club on an outside-in swing path rather than inside-out which would result in more contact with the ground and less with the ball. Additionally, swing path issues also lead to hitting ‘fat’ as does using too much weight transferring onto your left foot at impact or keeping your head down after striking the ball.
Here are four things that can cause you to hit your shot fat:
- Swinging from outside-in instead of inside-out
- Transferring too much weight onto the left foot at impact
- Keeping your head down after striking the ball
- Poorly timed release of hands through impact
Therefore, it is important to be aware of these common mistakes while playing golf so that you can avoid them and make solid contact with each shot. It should also be noted that having a good setup position will help improve your accuracy and distance control – something every golfer desires!
Common Swing Faults Contributing To A Fat Shot
There are several common swing faults that can lead to a fat shot in golf. Poor weight shift is one of the more prevalent issues, which causes the golfer’s clubhead to drag through impact rather than sweep along the ground. This results in a downward blow on the ball and less loft generated at impact, leading to a low-trajectory shot with limited carry distance.

In addition, an incorrect golf swing path can also contribute to a fat shot. If too much lateral motion is made during the backswing, it will cause the clubface to be open at impact and create poor contact with the ball. As such, this could result in a weak strike or even worse, a completely missed shot.
To hit better shots consistently, it is important for golfers to work on maintaining their balance throughout their swings and staying connected with their core muscles while making sure they keep their shoulders level. They should also focus on swinging along their intended target line instead of across it by avoiding any excessive lateral movement in their backswing and ensuring that they finish facing towards where they started from prior to initiating downswing rotation. With these adjustments, players should start seeing improved ball striking consistency as well as increased distance off each tee box.
Building An Effective Pre-Shot Routine
Having a consistent and effective pre-shot routine is key to avoiding fat shots. It’s all too easy to rush your shot without taking the time for proper set up, resulting in missed or poor hit shots. Developing an effective pre-shot routine can help you improve your golf game immensely.
Pre-Shot Routine Steps | Benefits |
Alignment: Ensure feet and clubface are aligned correctly with target line | Improved consistency of ball flight direction |
Stance: Make sure stance is comfortable and balanced | Improved accuracy of strike on face of club |
Grip: Check that grip pressure is firm yet relaxed, allowing for natural swing motion | Increased distance and control over ball trajectory |
Address Position: Confirm posture is correct; shoulders square to target line with weight evenly distributed between both feet | Enhanced power transfer into strike through improved balance and posture alignment during downswing phase |
A well-developed pre-shot routine helps ensure each golf shot has a consistent starting point, improving confidence in results. The main goal should be to create a mindful state before every shot – this will enable you to trust your technique but also allow any necessary adjustments if required by the situation. Taking the time to properly set up every single shot will help reduce errors due to rushed decisions made during play, ultimately leading to better results when playing a round of golf. By following these steps, building an effective pre-shot routine becomes much easier.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are The Best Drills To Practice Fat Shots?
When it comes to hitting fat shots, there are numerous drills that can help improve your golf game. These fat shot drills will assist in developing the skill and technique needed to hit those dreaded fat shots that have been causing you so much trouble. To ensure success when hitting a fat shot, one should focus on three key elements: ball position, setup, and posture.
The first drill for hitting a fat shot involves adjusting the ball position. Move the ball slightly farther back from its normal placement in relation to your body and place more weight onto your left foot if you are right-handed or vice versa if you are left-handed. This aligns your swing plane with the club head contact point at impact, which helps prevent thinning or digging into the ground during a golf swing.
Next, practice proper alignment by ensuring correct shoulder positioning and hip placement before beginning your swing. Maintaining good balance is essential when hitting any type of golf shot, especially when trying to avoid hitting too far behind or even further off center than intended. Finally, focus on keeping steady posture throughout the entire motion of swinging. Keeping still ensures consistency with each stroke – meaning no wobbling arms!
How Can I Fix A Fat Shot While Playing On The Course?
Firstly, check if your club head is too low at impact. This could be causing you to hit the ground before making contact with the ball resulting in a ‘fat’ or heavy shot. You need to make sure that your leading edge is slightly higher than usual at address and this will help avoid hitting behind the ball. Secondly, ensure that you have a good grip on the golf club; having an improper grip could lead to mis-hits as well as inconsistent strikes. Make sure the pressure of both hands is even and consistent throughout your swing for more control over your shots.
Lastly, focus on setting up correctly and maintaining proper posture during your swing – these two factors play a major role in ensuring consistency when taking a shot. When addressing the ball, make sure there’s enough space between yourself and it so that you don’t accidentally strike too far down into the ground after taking a backswing. Pay attention to all these details and soon enough you’ll be able to perfect fixing those fat shots on the course!
What Is The Difference Between A Fat Shot And A Thin Shot?
A fat shot occurs when the club head strikes the ground before making contact with the ball. This results in too much grass being taken and will cause the ball to not travel as far as intended. On the other hand, a thin shot takes place when the club does not have enough loft on impact and simply skims across the turf instead of taking any grass off. This can also lead to shorter distances but typically causes more side spin, which can be dangerous depending on where you are on the course.
Therefore, understanding what each type of shot entails is essential if one wishes to play better golf. Knowing how they differ from one another allows you to adjust your technique accordingly so that you’re able to get maximum distance without compromising accuracy or safety. Although both fat shots and thin shots may seem similar, they require different approaches in order to successfully hit them correctly – something all golfers should strive towards achieving!
To conclude, hitting fat golf shots can be a tricky problem to overcome but with the right practice and technique you should be able to fix this issue. Drills are also useful in order to get into good habits. Practicing these drills regularly will help you develop muscle memory which will make executing them on the course easier.