Last Updated on June 9, 2023
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I hitting behind the golf ball?” If so, then you are not alone. Many amateur golfers mistakenly hit behind the golf ball – a mistake that can be costly in terms of both time and money spent on lessons or equipment. In this article, we’ll look at why so many golfers struggle with striking the ball correctly and what steps they can take to improve their game.
Causes of Hitting Behind the Golf Ball
Hitting behind the golf ball is a common problem for many amateur golfers. It can be caused by several different factors, ranging from incorrect grip and stance to poor swing mechanics. Poor grip and stance can lead to an improper weight distribution during the swing, which can cause you to hit behind the ball instead of making contact with it in front. Incorrect posture or body positioning at set-up can also contribute to this issue. Additionally, if your clubface isn’t square at impact, that could also result in hitting behind the ball. Understanding these causes and learning how to correct them will help you eliminate this frustrating habit once and for all. With practice and proper instruction, anyone who suffers from hitting behind the golf ball should soon start seeing positive results on their scorecard.
Posture and Address Position
The most important part of your golf swing is the posture and address position. It’s critical to have proper alignment and set-up in order to hit the ball correctly. To ensure a successful stance, you’ll want to focus on your posture – keep your back straight, feet apart, knees bent, and arms relaxed. You’ll also need to ensure that your head remains over the ball throughout the entire backswing posture and address set-up.
While it may seem simple enough to achieve these goals, many amateur golfers often struggle to maintain correct form while taking their shots. Practising good postural habits when addressing the ball will help you perfect your technique by allowing for more consistent contact with the clubface at impact. Ultimately this will lead to better power transfer as well as improved accuracy and distance control when hitting behind the golf ball.
Angle of Attack into the Ball

Now that you have the correct posture and address position, it is important to understand your angle of attack on the ball. When hitting behind the golf ball, this means that instead of swinging down from above or at a straight line with the target, you should swing slightly upward into the back of the ball. This will cause the clubface to hit further back on the golf ball than normal and create more spin for increased distance.
For best results when hitting behind the golf ball, make sure your feet are positioned properly in relation to the ball so as not to affect your angle of attack. Additionally, be aware that if your body weight is too far forward during your golf swing, you may end up hitting behind the ball anyway due to poor balance. Practice different positions until you find one where you feel comfortable while maintaining an adequate angle of attack that allows you to hit through the back of the golf ball effectively. With consistency and practice, you’ll soon know how much power and spin to put on each shot based on its location relative to your stance and desired trajectory – making every game better!
Improper Swing Path and Direction
One of the biggest mistakes golfers make when hitting behind the ball is having an improper swing path and direction. This can cause the club to come into contact with the ground before connecting with the ball, resulting in a fat shot or even shanking it all together. Improper swing direction can also lead to slices and hooks due to incorrect alignment at impact.
To correct this issue, focus on making sure your swing path matches up with where you want your ball to go. Make sure that your body turns correctly during the backswing by rotating away from the target and then shifting properly as you bring your club down for impact. Keeping track of your shoulder turn and hip rotation will ensure that your swing direction stays on line throughout the entire motion. Additionally, practice using a mirror or videoing yourself swinging so that you can observe if there are any flaws in either your set-up or follow-through which could be causing issues with proper alignment. With some patience and dedication to improving these areas, you’ll soon be able to hit consistently straight shots without fear of slicing or hooking them off course!
Overactive Hands During Swing

When it comes to why you’re hitting behind the golf ball, overactive hands during your swing could be a likely culprit. This can occur when either your address posture or position is off in some way, leading to an improper angle of attack on the ball and ultimately resulting in an incorrect swing direction.
To rectify this issue, focus on setting up with better posture at address. Make sure that your feet are parallel to each other and square with the intended target line while keeping your weight evenly distributed between both legs. Additionally, ensure that you’re not leaning forward too much, as this will prevent proper contact from being made with the golf ball. By making these minor adjustments prior to swinging, you should find yourself striking the golf ball more accurately and consistently than before.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I Adjust My Grip When Hitting Behind the Golf Ball?
It is important to consider whether you should adjust your grip when hitting behind the golf ball. To hit a good shot, it’s necessary to have the correct form, and this includes having an appropriate grip on the club. With that being said, there are certain scenarios where adjusting your grip can help improve your performance in these cases.
There are three main factors to consider when deciding if you should adjust your grip while hitting behind the golf ball:
- The type of golf club you’re using
- Your current level of skill with the game
- The specific situation you’re facing
If you find yourself struggling with poor shots or inaccurate drives whenever you’re playing from behind the golf ball, then it may be time to look into changing how you hold onto your clubs. This small adjustment could make all the difference in getting out of trouble more quickly and accurately. It’s also worth noting that different types of clubs require slightly different grips, so familiarising yourself with each one is key to improving your technique. Ultimately, understanding when and why to adjust your golf grip will lead to fewer missed opportunities and improved scores overall.
Does Hitting Behind the Golf Ball Always Lead to a Poor Shot?
Hitting behind the golf ball is a common mistake that many amateur golfers make. It can lead to poor shots, but it doesn’t always have to be the case. With proper technique and using the right club, you may still get a decent shot even when hitting behind the ball.
Here are some tips on how to hit behind and achieve good results:
- Take a longer backswing with your chosen club
- Make sure your arms stay connected throughout the swing
- Open up your stance slightly so that you’re not too close to the ball
- Let gravity do its work by letting your hands and arms follow through naturally.
By following these guidelines, you should be able to minimise any negative effects of hitting behind the golf ball. Proper mechanics will help ensure better contact with the ball, which will ultimately result in higher-quality shots. Though there’s no guarantee of success every time, understanding why this happens can help reduce mis-hits in future rounds of golf.
With some practice and a few simple drills, you can reduce or even eliminate this problem from your game. First, if you want to know for sure if you’re hitting behind the golf ball, take a video of your swing so that you can review it later. This will help identify any technical issues like grip or stance which may be causing the issue. You might also consider switching up what club you use when trying to hit behind the ball, as certain clubs require more finesse than others in order to get good contact. Additionally, adjusting your grip slightly could help ensure better ball-club contact at impact.
Finally, while consistently hitting behind the golf ball is usually an indication of poor technique, it doesn’t necessarily mean all shots will be bad ones. With enough practice and experimentation with different techniques and clubs, eventually, you should find something that works best for you and helps make hitting behind the ball a thing of the past!